Click here for continuing education credits through the Go Learn Network website
Medical Necessity, Documentation, Risk Management, and Medical Errors
My curriculum will cover medical errors from a Physician office scenario regarding patient intake forms, consent to treat and implied consent. Topics such as contraindication to Chiropractic care, emergency scenarios, ASAP imaging will be covered in the doctor- patient contact standpoint. Risk management will be covered through actual office scenarios regarding radiographs, MRI imaging, adjustment contraindications, second opinion referrals to other doctors, and Vertebral basilar stroke indicators.
Dr Cielo lecturing on Ligament Laxity
Dr Cielo prides himself in continually educating Doctors and Attorneys on the significance of Ligament laxity, AMA guides, and past/present research of its effect on the spine. Dr Cielo lectures are approved by the Florida Bar, FCA, FCPA, and FCS for continuing educational classes.
His seminars will allow Doctors and Attorneys receive CCE (continuing chiropractic education) credits and CLE (continuing legal education) credits for your yearly quota.
His attendee list range from medical doctors, orthopedic doctors, chiropractic doctors, plaintiff and defensive attorneys, case managers, surgeons, radiologists, and physical therapists.
He has local seminars, CLE, and CCE lectures monthly.
Please feel free to call for the upcoming schedule.
2020 Biennium Makeup Classes
January 11 & 12 Fort Lauderdale, FL (Class Full)
Comments from Doctors and Attendees:
My brother and I IMMENSELY enjoyed your highly-informative and demonstrative lecture at Dr. Warner’s Go Learn seminar on June 9, 2018. You, sir, are one heck of a speaker and you had some unbelievably useful material. I’ve been in practice 33 years and I’ve been lectured to on a variety of subjects by many an instructor but none could hold a candle to you, Todd!! Before I was a chiropractor, I served four years in the Marine Corps. You’re style is not unlike that of the many excellent instructors that taught us the stuff we needed to know AFTER boot camp. (The drill instructors DURING boot camp were borderline demonic, so, in no way would you want to emulate them in polite society!) However, kicking and/or throwing the boxes of records down the aisle were very “drill instructor-esque,” yet it certainly grabbed our attention as to what can happen if we don’t take documentation seriously.
Dr. Mike
I wanted to follow up and tell you that this was probably the most educational Lecture I’ve had in years. Thanks for giving of your time.
Dr Anthony
It was one of the best seminars that took place all weekend. Really. Practical stuff. I am looking forward to getting more info that I can apply to the office. Dr SethYour presentation was awesome! Your presentation was dynamic, engaging, informative, interesting and even a bit funny.
Dr. Mary
I enjoyed your class at FCPA in Orlando last month more than anything else I heard all weekend. The light bulb really went off for me. On the one hand I realize that I have likely missed a lot of cases of ligament laxity which is unfortunate but on the other hand it’s exciting to know that I can have access to resources like DXD going forward. I was stunned to realize how much the impairment rating for AOMSI/plain film outstrips HNP/MRI.
Dr. Ross
I’ve been in practice since 1989. Your DXD system for cervical ligament injury analysis is the best impairment documentation tool to come along in the last 20 years!
Dr Paul